The Empire Did Nothing Wrong: a Darth Vader Biography Part 1

“I’ll be back for you. I promise.”

And so the child slave, now liberated, kissed his mother goodbye while tears rolled down each others cheeks. Willing to sacrifice himself and leave all he knew and loved, for the possibility of someday giving her freedom, and the dignity that comes with it. What would you sacrifice for the ones you love?

My dear readers, you have been fed lies. The way of the Jedi is pure deception. Don’t believe me? They brag about their “Jedi mind tricks.” Not through logic and the quest for truth, but through literal brainwashing do they influence us. And so the story that has been passed down to us, despite it being based on a real one, has been severely distorted. George Orwell warned of us of the methods of the likes of George Lucas. Don’t believe me? In the movie A New Hope (1977) in Tatooine Han Solo originally shot Greedo first. Not only have the films originally distorted what happened to make the rebels and Jedi look as the “good guys,” they continually need to edit the movies they’ve already made to keep up this charade!


“But it is the same with man as with the tree. The more he seeks to rise into the height and light, the more vigorously do his roots struggle earthword, downword, into the dark, the deep – into evil.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra.


Darth Vader means “Dark Father.” Are we to believe that “darkness” is something to hold him accountable for? Like the black inc of an old book, so was he filled with his “dark” knowledge. Are we to believe then that the white purity of a blank page is superior to the words in an old and powerful tome? Lets not forget that the Jedi had their own secret archives which they kept to themselves, their way was not to enlighten the masses, but to keep them in the dark and call their blank page “the light side.”

The Dark Father had to sacrifice himself, much like Wotan (also known as the All Father) did to gain his knowledge. The Hávamál tells us that:

Image result for Yggdrasil Odin

He hung on the windswept world tree

Whose roots no one knows
For nine whole days he hung there pierced

By Gugnir, his spear

Swimming in pain he peered into the depths
And cried out in agony
Reaching out he grasped the runes

Before falling back from the abyss

He gave himself unto himself
In a world of sheering pain
So that we all may live our lives
By the wisdom that he gained


Wotan sacrificed an eye for his sacred knowledge, the Dark Father gave up much more for his galaxy. But who today lives to sing the songs of his heroism? The deception persists, even turning his name into a vile curse. Not much different than Vlad Dracula, or better known as “Vlad the Impaler.” Dracula, that once noble name that stirred in the hearts of its people with joy. Vlad the savior! Vlad the protector!

The “Order of Dracul” was a secret society of Christian aristocrats who swore to dedicate their lives to European freedom and fight the hoards of Asiatic Muslims hell bent to see the European women enslaved, their boys castrated and their men killed. The “a” at the end of “Dracula” means “son” in Romanian, therefore “Dracula” means “The Son of the Dragon.” And so Vlad, who today should have been held as a hero is now the stuff of evil legends. The savior of Western Civilizations is a bogyman for children’s night stories,.

But tell me, O my readers, from all those Christians who had claimed to have wept when they heard about the fall of Constantinople, who raised their sword to avenge them? No one even cared to come to their aid… Vlad knew his small kingdom of Wallachia was next. He confronted the entire might of the Turkish Empire on his own and succeeded. Not only saving his kingdom, but European freedom also.

But why did the bad man impale others you might ask? Vlad and his brother Radu had been offered as hostages, as was the custom of the Turkish empire to take away the children of powerful European families in their boarders in order to blackmail them for submission. The kidnapping of children was a practice the Jedi became experts in, but more on that latter. The impaling was a common practice Vlad learned from the Turks, something they implemented to the defeated Christian men in Constantinople, while they sold the woman as slave and passed the hot knife across the testicles of their sons. Only Vlad Dracula swore revenge and fulfilled it.

Having had a smaller army, in an impoverished kingdom and no European allies to come to his aid, the man had to make a reputation of himself as being terribly cruel. His forest of impaled enemies so much frightened the Muslim armies that they ran back, claiming that the devil himself must live in these lands. As you see, it was a dark mask used to as a tool in order to protect Christendom itself. But posterity never looked behind the mask and into his true motives.

Darth Vader, in a same way, has been falsely accused of as being the villain. He too was severely outnumbered, by the Jedi and rebels. He needed to forge a reputation of power and cruelty in order to submit his enemies. For the barbarians are closing into the galaxy, and he has only a few years to plan out the defense and save the galaxy.







Posted in My Fiction.

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