The Coming Transhumanists War

One of the HUGE aspects that you see taken away from the World Wars and Cold War is that fascism, capitalism and communism wasn’t only a war of economic systems, but all three were fighting for their definition of what the human species should look like. Most people understand that the Germans had an eugenics […]

The Rebirth Of The City State With Space Exploration

The ancient City States of Renaissance Italy or Ancient Greece (much different animals than the overpopulated cesspools of the East) had a population of several thousands (say five to thirty thousand). Space exploration might force this new dynamic as populations of these similar numbers venture out, never to return to earth, with little to no […]

Mastery of The Sky Will Lead To The Mole Man Age

I suspect that the introduction of “flying cars” (I hate that term but that’s what they’re being called) or use of bigger drones will cause a series of attacks on the general population in the likes we have never seen before. 9/11 being one of the most drastic examples, buy these being committed but otherwise […]

Book Review: Data Science for Executives by Nir Kaldero

I liked the book overall, it’s an easy read that gives you a broad stroke of data science and it’s applications for business. It argues that the 4th industrial revolution is the most important one, and leaders and businesses will start using data to solve all of their problems, and finding hidden patterns in the […]

Thoughts on The Relations Between Space Force, US-China Trade War, New Military Technology Being Released After IP Protections Agreements Signed

So you might remember that Trump made a new branch of the military called Space Force. There’s some critics in the Senate saying we need to keep Space explorations on the air-force division, no need for a new branch. In any case, it’s happening. Personally I think it make mores sense to have a different […]

Games Exercise Complex Mental Skills Hard-Wired in Our DNA That We Don’t Fulfill in Daily Lives

One of my hypothesis on why games are not only useful as learning tool for mammals (lion cubs practice hunting skills by play fighting for example) but that serve as entertainment to children and adults, specially in the modern world, is that they activate exercise neurological pathways for problem solving that we don’t normally come […]

Quick Thoughts on Instructional Software Design

One of the big problems with the instructional software design that has bought into “gamification” is it’s reliance on video game design theory from the entertainment industry. This is the LAST place you want to base your design on, yet this is almost exclusively where they focus. Most video games aren’t developing a real skill. […]