The False Doomsday Cries of Automation Lowering Labor Participation

Another of the doomsday scenario (aside from the war on photosynthesis) is that automation is reducing jobs available to people TODAY. They give all these anecdotal evidence fallacies of factories and groceries stores having less staff and this indicates we are driving people to be jobless. The conclusion they derive is that there’s a mutually […]

Henrikin Surma (“The Slaying of Henry”)

The first blows of the horns would ring early in the morning in a village near Lake Köyliö in south western Finland. The alarm would sound for all and indicate it’s time to start the daily routine. The year was 1152, and these heathens had never know another life. While there is hierarchy in all […]

The False Claim of Using “Paradoxes” in Management

I’m starting to read management techniques that claim we need to start embracing paradoxes, and start listing outright contradictions. A paradox is something that seems a contradiction at first, but turns out to be coherent in a not so obvious way. A paradox isn’t a contradiction, and if you can’t correct the contradiction is a […]