Past Work and Awards

My Publications:

Past Articles

National Business Competitions

The first video is of me winning first place in COLLEGIATE DECA in my first year in Snow College for the Entrepreneurship contest. To my understanding this is the largest business contest in the country in term of number of competitors. If my memory serves correctly there were eighty something teams that composed of the top five of every state.

The second video consists of a program I developed during Snow were a college professor would interview a business leader I contacted. The program didn’t survive after I left.

Interview Series For Snow College

During my involvement in the business club at Snow College I developed a series of podcasts were a professor interviewed a business leader that I had initially contacted and convinced to participate. This is one example of such interviews were I still possess the audio. The program didn’t last after I left.

Systems Based Gamification

It's a book I wrote that intended to connect some of my ideas between learning through play, how this learning through play helps us navigate the real world (which is a complex adaptive system) and this is ultimately what was called "strategy" by past thinkers. The work is abridge version of my thought and I attempted to explain how I see it all interconnected. The work never moved past a draft, and I have no financial incentive to complete it and thus it will remain as it is, unpolished.

  • Play: It holds some of my thoughts on education design.
  • Complexity: Why the educational design I described has real world value based on seeing the world as a Complex Adaptive System.
  • Strategy: It's the combination of learning and understanding of the real world that creates a strategist.

Skill-Based Gamification

This is a short book I wrote during my vacationing in Mexico during the mornings in a coffee shop and finished it in about a three week period. It illustrates the direction I would have taken my work had I stayed in the "gamification industry." First half illustrates some of the fallacies in the industry, the second some practical ideas I've used in the past. The work is still a draft, but I might edit it and end up uploading it on Amazon. I would change the tittle since I  contemptuously catalogue"gamification"  with the useless dreamers and imposters of the world. I was never a continuation but a radical departure from their mediocre dream of turning this world into a Huxleyan Dystopia. My thoughts developed independently from theirs, and are fundamentally different. The original introduction was several pages long but decided to delete it along with some chapters for the following version.