The Secret for Turning Work Intrinsically Fun

  There are four very simple and by themselves near meaningless pieces of information that I’ve often thought about for the past few years. The first was in a biography of Napoleon (I can’t remember which one) where he said something in the likes of “I don’t spend much time in leisure, I don’t go […]

The Coming Transhumanists War

One of the HUGE aspects that you see taken away from the World Wars and Cold War is that fascism, capitalism and communism wasn’t only a war of economic systems, but all three were fighting for their definition of what the human species should look like. Most people understand that the Germans had an eugenics […]

The Rebirth Of The City State With Space Exploration

The ancient City States of Renaissance Italy or Ancient Greece (much different animals than the overpopulated cesspools of the East) had a population of several thousands (say five to thirty thousand). Space exploration might force this new dynamic as populations of these similar numbers venture out, never to return to earth, with little to no […]

On The Scam Of Defining Success As Happiness Instead Of Money

  This intrinsic motivation bullshit is just a trick to not compensate employees properly. They’re turning it into a moral failing if you even make it explicit you’re interested in money. This is somewhat similar with what happened in the middle ages with Feudalism where the peasants where shammed for asking for higher wages by […]

Mastery of The Sky Will Lead To The Mole Man Age

I suspect that the introduction of “flying cars” (I hate that term but that’s what they’re being called) or use of bigger drones will cause a series of attacks on the general population in the likes we have never seen before. 9/11 being one of the most drastic examples, buy these being committed but otherwise […]

The False Cry of Entitlement

There’s currently a demand for womens soccer team to be paid the same as the mens team, in the name of equal pay and all that. I came across a Forbes article running some numbers, but not going far enough in it’s analysis: “As Dwight Jaynes pointed out four years ago after the U.S. […]

Uranium for Long Term Investment?

  I was curious to see Uranium reserves around the world. I wasn’t aware that Australia was number one, China and former USSR countries have a hefty amount, but US and allies seem to be on top. As societies become more complex, the amount of energy require to maintain it (think not only transportation with […]

Thoughts on Kant

Thoughts on Kant By Eugene Sheely “…in his contemptuous catalogue of the useless dreamers and impostors of the world he [Napoleon Bonaparte] placed with confidence the name of Kant.” Napoleon, by H.A.L Fisher If we were to summarize Kant’s work at the risk of oversimplifying it we could say that overall Kant searched for universal […]

Thoughts on Aristotles Virtues

My interpretation of Aristotle’s virtue based on my readings and lectures it that since there seems to be a happy mean in achieving good performance, the performance of virtue must also be a happy medium (the myth of Icarus comes to mind, fly to low and you’ll fall, fly too high and your wings will […]