The Empire Did Nothing Wrong: a Darth Vader Biography Part 5


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“Gorghan of Old Ghis once wrote that a prophecy is like a treacherous woman. She takes your member in her mouth, and you moan with the pleasure of it and think, how sweet, how fine, how good this is… and then her teeth snap shut and your moans turn to screams. That is the nature of prophecy, said Gorghan. Prophecy will bite your prick off every time.”– Archmaester Marwyn , A Feast For Crows


“You were the chosen one! It was said you were going to destroy the Sith not join them!” or so Obi-Wan rebutted at our hero. But as we’ve explained before: If there were ten thousand Jedi and only one or two Sith hidden, what side of the force needed to be cut down to size to bring back balance O my brothers?

Let’s not forget that it was Darth Sidious who used the force to have Annakin Skywalker come into existence without a father to sire him. Darth Vader is similar to Jesus in this respect, while his mother Shmi Skywalker would be the equivalent of the virgin Mary. And just like Jesus, Darth Vader was a sacrifice to save the living (albeit Star Wars shows a more secular result than the that told in the Bible). His pain and suffering were necessary to save the galaxy.

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Born as a slave, the only true possession Anakin ever knew was the love of a mother. The only happiness he ever experienced was through the love of his family. His mother, his wife and latter, for a brief moment before his demise, his son.


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He was taken away as a child. Like the Christians surrounding the Turkish Empire centuries ago, parents figured their children would be better off as slaves to the Turks inside their empire than left in backwater of Eastern Europe, and so, like many European parents centuries ago the mother abandoned her son to strangers, knowing full well she’ll never see what she loved the most, in hopes he would have a better life. Her suffering was a price she willingly gave to see her son better off.


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Anakin agreed to leave with the Jedi in the hopes he would have the POWER to return and give his mother FREEDOM. “I’ll come back for you” the little boy promised as he swore to his mother and himself he would rescue that which he loved the most. The love of a son for his mother stirred Passion in Anakins heart. In order to protect that which he loved he needed Strength. In order to be Strong, one must be Powerful in every sense (physical strength, skill, and be the one in high status with the voice of command). Power to gain Victory, and Victory will keep us in Power. Through the Force this will be achieved, through the Force we will be Free.

The slave boy with dreams of freedom for himself and the one he loved… Can you really blame him for having refused to submit to the slavery of the religious zealots that were the Jedi?

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Let’s not forget what that vile creature Yoda told our hero…

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Yoda told Anakin that attachment would lead him to the dark side. That it was evil. That he shouldn’t care about his mother. That he shouldn’t have any other loved ones. This is why they believed Anakin was too old to become a Jedi, not because he couldn’t be trained to be a warrior and master the force, but he had an emotional bondage with his mother. He couldn’t be lead to be brainwashed and abandon his emotions for the sake of “peace and harmony.” The Jedi didn’t have complete control over the mind of Anakin, and if they couldn’t mold him to submit, he became a danger to the religious order that demanded nothing but submission from it’s members.


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Tell me O my brothers, is it the mark of heroism to obey a green goblin that tells you the moral thing to do is leave your own mother unprotected, at the mercy of savages to die!? Can you honestly tell me that obeying the Jedi and saying your family can go to hell is the right thing to do!? This is no different than the Communists O my brothers. If you were to read The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State by Friedrich Engels he explicitly blames the family unit as the great evil that brings about capitalism. This is why the Soviet Union attempted its best to destroy the family unit. Brothers fought each other in public to prove they didn’t care about each other. Mothers ignored their children. Wives were sent to work in factories miles away without being able to see their children of husband for years. It was the love for the family that created the conflicting loyalty in the human heart that would ruin communism. For a mother and father would keep the resources they gained and give it to their children, not the community at large and so the origins of “evil” capitalism, the “dark side” of economics, took root. In a similar way the love for ones family was a great “evil” the Jedi attempted to eradicate in order to have complete control of the Jedi Knight. Make him a tool for the interests of the Jedi network. Nothing but a slave in everything but name. Filled with fears if thought crimes, for love would lead the Jedi into “the dark side” in no different a manner than the arguments the communists made against love for their families lead society to evil and dark ways.


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O my brothers, to support the Jedi is to claim that love itself is an evil that must be eradicated. Therefore tell me, was Anakins rebellion not deserving of a standing ovation!? Is he not the hero!? Who among you will dare stand and claim you’re fighting against love!?


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And so the young Anakin lost the one thing he loved in this world: His mother. He had swore to return and set her free, but he was powerless to do so. And the Jedi attempted to make his love for his mother not simply shameful, but sinful, in order to keep their control over him. As a slave, that very thing he hoped to escape by joining the Jedi who he thought to be a force of good that would end slavery. Can you blame him if anger did not stir in his heart? For it’s a slave O my brothers that gets kicked and still waves its tail in submission. If anger was to be an evil or useless thing then either the deity that created us or natural selection would have rooted it out. It is anger at an injustice that makes a man fight. It is anger that makes a man strive for freedom and to protect those who he loves.

It’s a dogs disease to be kicked and feel nothing but love for the one who is kicking you. It is those who wish to domesticate you and put the yoke of slavery over your neck that tell you that anger is a thing to be eradicated from your heart. It’s like telling you your testicles were a mistake by either God or natural selection and for the sake of morality they must be removed from your body in order to purify the soul.

NO! Refuse to submit! O my brothers, Anakin Skywalker did nothing wrong. I will not sit hear and condemn him for being a man with a heart. With a soul. With balls. A man who wanted freedom. Who wept at his dead mother. Who missed his mother. Who loved his mother. Who refused to submit to the Jedi follow their teachings to become heartless. Better to live on in pain with a broken heart than to become heartless and numb and “find peace.” He refused to cut his testicles and cease to be a man in order to be a slave to the Jedi. Who would not stir with rage when his loved one was murdered? What kind of castrated slave talk is to say it’s better to find peace than to hate those who hurt the ones you love and want to seek revenge?

For it is our love that drives us to our greatest anger O my brothers. Anger at those who wish to destroy everything and everyone we love and hold dear. Without anger you’re a domesticated dog that will lick the boot that has just kicked you… All dignity, independence and freedom gone. You’ll submit to the totalitarian order that has take a hold of your mind and convinced you that morality is to do what is in THEIR best interest.


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And so our hero buried the mother he had wished to see again, who he had wished to be made free. Who he had wished live with again. Who he had wished to be loved by and love again. What was the point of joining the Jedi if he wasn’t able to save her he thought. What was the point indeed to abandon all self-interest for the sake of a network that only put their own self-interest first while claimed their doctrine of submission was morality?


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We Honour The Silence by Death in June

He stood like Jesus
He smelt like heaven
His eyes were winter

Our story is
The march of the lonely
The march of the lonely
The march of the lonely

Come to me
In my darkness
My dark hero
My tall stranger
Tears of sweat
Cry from our body
The strength and the cruelty
In your gentle nature

We honour the silence, between
Between ourselves
We honour the silence, between
Between ourselves


As we all know already O my brothers, Anakin joined the dark side to save the life of his wife and unborn child. The lives the Jedi told him he shouldn’t love and the moral doctrine of the Jedi demanded he abandoned to their black fate. The lives the Jedi told him he should let die. “For attachments lead to the dark side…” The same way a hero would spit in the face of a communist who tells me it’s immoral to love my mother, wife and children so did Anakin spit at the Jedi. But in his struggle O my brothers he wasn’t able to succeed. Imagine being Anakin, and having failed his mother, failed his wife and lost his unborn child. And yet, wishing to be dead by the terrible emotional pain this caused him he lived on. Death would be a release he thought, he would have to live on and pay for having been too weak to save his loved ones. It was weakness that had been his sin. For wishful thinking isn’t going to move a mountain O my brothers, but hard labor and strength. Your intentions are nothing but hot air without a strong hand to make sure they’re realized.

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No longer did he want to be subject to the whims of those in power above him, so he craved to be the one who made the decisions. This is the one criticism they make against Anakin. He wanted power, and thus he deserved to suffer. O my brothers, wouldn’t you want to live free and be able to make the decision to protect the ones you love also? Was Anakin not denied this opportunity by those with higher status than him? Do you blame him for not wanting to go back to the life of a slave and have a master barking orders to him, but to answer to no man, including Darth Sidious? His quest for power was a quest to answer to no man and protect his loved ones. His quest for power was the authority to make the world a better place. Who else would end slavery? Who else would bring justice and peace to the empire? Those in the capitals didn’t care for the slaves in places like Tatooine. Anakin had been a slave. Anakin had known the injustice of the “morally superior” Jedi. He would make the world a better place, he was the powerless boy that started from the bottom who through sheer talent would smash the wheel of oppression by the incompetent fools who ran the strings of power. But for that to happen he needed to answer to none of the hypocrites who allowed these injustices to happen.

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And so Darth Vader lived on, having lost everyone he loved. Why did our hero labor on? It is said by his enemies that it was because he “lusted for power.” He did, but not for himself but to protect those he loved, who were the only source of happiness he had ever known in his tortured life. And yet, there was not one left which he loved to protect. But Darth Vader knew about the Yuuzhan Vong alien fleet on its way to invade the galaxy. To destroy the Republic he had to turn into an Empire in order to organize it’s resources. He needed power to be taken away from the petty leaders in order to save the subjects of the Galaxy, slaves, freemen and masters alike. And so he swore to the ghost of Padme that he would live one and fight the great evil threatening their civilization. Despite the anguish that was living he would live on.

Darth Vader had lost his four limbs, couldn’t survive in the outside without his mask and was unable to swallow solid foods from his injuries. He lived in constant physical pain for the rest of his life that would have driven a lesser man to suicide. Alone, unloved, and in pain both psychically and psychologically he went on. He lived on to live the life he thought Padme would approve of. To prove to her that Obi-Wan had lied to her, to live the life he wasn’t able to explain to his wife as he fought for his life with Obi-Wan before his point of view could be made. He knew Padme had died believing the lies of Obi-Wan. Padme had died because of the lies of Obi-Wan. She was dead and he couldn’t bring her back. He made a point to constantly think of her, despite the pain that her loss caused him. His time with her was the happiest he had ever known. Better to live on with a broken heart than to become heartless. Better to be a good man than attempt to look like one.


You were always in his mind Padme. Anakin would often dream in a world where you were still alive. Where your children where alive. Where you two were in control of the senate and made right the injustices the previous generations had allowed to continue. It was the love he had for you Padme that drove Darth Vader on.

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Darth Vader was a broken man, in mind and spirit, but broken he lived on. The mission had to be carried on. He had lost everyone he loved, what else was there to lose?

Darth Vader became cruel, but not heartless. He had to wear the black mask, figuratively and literally. The mask of command. The mask those around him believed to be what a Sith Lord would look and act like. He had a broken heart, but broken it lived on and this vulnerability had to be kept hidden.

There were still rebels inside the Empire that wanted to challenge his rule. Was the empire to be left to an group of amateur terrorists with no plan of governing that were sure to be overrun by the incoming Yuuzhan Vongs? They had to fear him in order to submit to him. Machiavelli said it best: It’s better to be feared than loved. Therefore Darth Vader for the sake of the Empire gave up the one thing he wanted most in his life: to be loved. And he gave up being loved due to the love his had. For it was for the love he had for Padme and the promise he made her to save all the sorry and ungrateful souls of the Empire that he made himself feared. That he played the part of a Sith Lord.

There are problems that only those in command understand. While it is the fool who believes that being a “good” and “nice” person will make the world a good and nice place. Imagine a ruler in his kingdom when the world was young, in the ancient classical age. What if there was a famine? Would he steal from the rich and help feed the poor? What if there was simply not enough to feed his community? He has to decide who starves and who eats. What if a plague breaks out? For the sake of the community there will have to be those who are left to die away from his loved ones to prevent him to spread his disease or for the sake of niceness keep them inside the community to be cared for just to spread the disease to others and maybe be the end of everyone else? What if there is an enemy army marching to attack them. To pillage their land. To kill all the men, castrate the boys and sell the women and boys as slaves? What if this is happening and despite it the citizens do not want to fight? What if they’re internal squabbles with demagogues and rabble rousers are trying to put themselves in power as they argue against the policies that will defend and save the community? What if there are those who will open the gates to the enemy since they were promised power over it once they’re defeated? WHAT IS A KING TO DO!? What is a free man to do…

Sometimes to be good is to “act evil,” and it’s the man that acts nice man that creates a disastrous policy that ruins everyone, while the cruel man that brought order and organized the community against the real threats was the man with the truly good and nice heart. This is the man that looks at results in the real world instead of fluffy bunny intentions that are meaningless in defeat. A man who seeks victory and freedom. Such a man was Darth Vader.

The subjects must fear the just ruler. To save the Empire Darth Vader wore the mask of command and went to war with the terrorist rebels as preparations to defend the empire from the invaders through the construction of the Death Star and rebuilding of the military was carried out. Skirmishes by the enemy were common at the frontiers of the galaxy, and Darth Vader made sure to protect it.

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But while Darth Vader wished things had been different. As he wished his wife was still alive. As he wished his friendship with Obi-Wan hadn’t been broken, he remained a realist. The world is thus, and one must look at it with clear eyes. Accept it. Act accordingly. Do what they can to make it better but never forget what reality is, despite how much pain it causes. Even Jesus asked his father to forgive the ones taunting him at the cross, for they were too ignorant to understand the whole picture. So Darth Vader had to play his role as he was demonized by those who didn’t understand the whole picture. For the sake of the Empire and for the sake of his promise to Padme and his mother he labored on. With a broken heart, and hopeless for any happiness to ever return to him, he went on to save the ungrateful galaxy…

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Until one day he was able to drink a sip from the wine of joy again by realizing that his son had survived, kept hidden away by the Jedi. He attempted to explain to Luke the situation but just like his mother, Luke wouldn’t hear reasons. So controlled by the Jedi mind tricks were both his wife and son. He attempted to tell Luke to join him. They were trying to bring peace to the Empire. He couldn’t tell him the whole geopolitical situation yet, he needed to know Luke was in his side, he wouldn’t put the galaxy at risk by leaking information to the Jedi and rebels. He tried his best to influence Like. The love of a father towards his son. The last gift Padme gave Anakin, that broken man. HE TRIED TO USE REASON AND STAYED AWAY FROM JEDI MIND TRICKS!


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But Luke had been brainwashed by the Jedi. Tricked by Obi-Wan and the evil green goblin Yoda to unknowingly kill his own father. The Jedi who care nothing about family or love trained Luke to be a weapon and strike the final blow to their enemy Darth Vader who had dethroned them and taken away their authority in the galaxy.

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But Luke preferred to risk death than join his father and jumped than to hear the arguments he had to make. Luke knew only blind obedience to the teachings of those who saw him nothing but a weapon to be sacrificed to achieve their ends of regaining their authority in the galaxy by tricking him to kill his own father (something they knew he would refused to do if he had known Darth Vader was his father and thus filled him with the lie of “pure evil dark side” to turn him into a religious fanatic and carry out the mission).

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And so Darth Vader made his lonely and silent walk back to his chambers after realizing Luke truly hated him. Knowing full well that Obi-Wan who poisoned the ear of Padme against him and Yoda, who attempted to convince him to bury his feelings for his mother, wife and unborn child had also poisoned the mind of his son. Darth Vader would have to live on knowing that life gives you a glimmer of hope for happiness just to take it away and twist the dagger in your heart and laugh as you scream and weep in pain.

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Darth Vader, you whose missions had extended to the frontiers of the Empire. O great hero who kept the Empire safe and asked no thanks in return. Only Padme and your mother to be the judges of your actions. Only their opinions of you worth a damn. Darth Vader, who labored to be a good man instead of looking like one. You who was called evil by the traitorous Jedi who cared of nothing but their own power. The Jedi, who kidnapped young children and turned them into religious fanatics who were expected to never know love and whose only sense of good came from being slaved to the Jedi order.


Darth Vader, the man with a broken heart. Better to go on living in a world of pain than to become an emotionless Jedi. To become numb. To give up the memories of the lost loved ones. Better to live on in pain with a broken heart than to become like the heartless Jedi.

O most greatest hero Darth Vader, you thought us to be victorious. You thought us what it is to live with honor. You thought us what it is to live as a free man.


The opinion of the rabble be damned. Do what is necessary to protect the Empire from all enemies foreign and domestic. Darth Vader, the dark founding father of the Empire. Someday the world will come to recognize that you were right.



And so Darth Vader labored for years to rebuild the Empires military. The unsung hero used his engineering skills as were shown as a boy to innovate the Empires weapons system. He was the chief engineer in the creation of the Death Star intended to defend the galaxy from the planet sized fleets making their way to conquer the galaxy. Darth Vader understood the force, and mastered it, but unlike the Jedi he didn’t rely on it. As we’ve said before, the force was useless against this new enemy. Technological superiority would save the galaxy. Many battles were fought that had remained classified and hidden from the public. Not only was Darth Vader a man with technical skills, but he also was skilled in combat, leadership, politics and economics while organizing the whole supply chains that allowed these operations to be carried out. It was through his efforts that the Empire was able to last all the years he stood in power. It was through the governmental restructuring and programs that the Empire was able to survive after he passed away. It was the foundation laid by Anakin Skywalker, the Dark Father, that the galaxy that so demonized him lives in…

We now remember who Darth Vader was in life. A hero who lead from the front and risked his life with his men while fighting for the life and liberty of the galaxy that hated him, in order to fulfill a promised made to his deceased wife and mother:




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A leader who had thought his men how to be victorious and laid the groundwork for a victory that was achieved sometime after his own death. A victory no one but a select few would give him credit for, but which he liked to imagine his wife and mother would have approved of. And so his men fought on, and won, and still called themselves “Vaders First” in honor of their beloved and lost leader:


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But as we all know O my brothers, Darth Vader killed Darth Sidious in order to protect his son Luke. It is said that this is evidence that in the end Darth Vader “became good” and “joined the side of light.” How the hell are people making this assumption after seeing episodes 1-3? The Jedi deliberately told Anakin to let his mother and wife die and not to care about them. This is the “light side” he joined by saving his son? The “light side” that had been telling him to let his family die!? Protecting your family was NEVER the Jedi way. The exact opposite.

No, O my brothers, Darth Vader never “joined the light side.” He never returned to that evil Jedi cult. The problem was that the young and ignorant Luke was confused, he didn’t know the background story, the true history and nature of the story. If Luke, who was badly trained and kept ignorant of hisotry, thought the Jedi were good, and his father did a good act, then it was a natural logical conclusion to assume his father in the end joined the side of the Jedi. Yet Luke didn’t know the Jedi advocated the abandonment of emotions towards our family members. The love Luke had for his father wouldn’t have been allowed by the Jedi order had they continued in power.

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Darth Vader NEVER broke character. Anakin betrayed the Jedi for the love he had for his family. Darth Vader betrayed the Sith for the love that he had for his family. Star Wars is a story about the loyalty and sacrifices one does for the love of their family, and fighting against totalitarian regimes, be it the government or religious cult, that claims that morality is found by ignoring your family and serving their interests instead by submitting like a slave, by controlling your very thoughts. Star Wars is a story about being a free man, not willing to sacrifice his family and own interests for the self-interests of the totalitarians, while being able to dedicate his own life for the safety and continuation of his civilization.

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With the death of Darth Vader and the continuation of Luke, the prophesy was finally completed. The Jedi and Sith orders were both destroyed by Darth Vader, but knowledge of the force lived on through Luke Skywalker. And Luke had been ignorant of the doctrines of the Jedi and Sith. He was free to love because no one had forbid it. He was free to guide his life through his own moral compass, and not the dogma of government and religions. Luke was a free man to decide how best to live his life and how best to use the force to improve the world. No one to turn Luke into a slave. No one to tell him not to love. No one left alive to put the yoke of slavery over Darth Vaders son through Jedi mind tricks.

And so, the prophecy was completed with the death of both the Jedi and Sith order and the continuation of Luke Skywalker ignorant of their doctrines and yet knowledgeable of the force. The knowledge of the force remained alive while the dogmatic doctrines of morality from both sides had die off: Balance to the force had been restored. Darth Vader, who knew a life filled with pain and sacrifice, and who strove to be a good man instead of looking like one, had fulfilled his destiny.

And while most will demonize his memory, there are those of use who will rise statues in honor of the Dark Father, the founding father of the Empire, and the hero who thought us to fight for freedom. The hero who thought us that it is better to live on with a broken heart than to become heartless as one of the emotionless Jedi slaves. That it is better to strive to be a good man than to appear to be one.


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Posted in Blog Posts, My Fiction.