Grupo Bimbo Data Analysis

I did an analysis on the data for a Kaggle competition from Groupo Bimbo: Grupo Bimbo is the head corporation owning several baking companies such as Bimbo, Wonder Bread, Tia Rosa, and Marinela. It mainly distributes baked goods such as sliced bread, sweet bread, cookies, tortillas, etc. The objective of the Kaggle challenge was […]

The Bloody Premise Was Wrong…

“Every one being allowed to learn to read, ruineth in the long run not only writing but also thinking” – Nietzsche It’s rather funny to read the writings of the enlightenment and, along with those of the communists, specially the Soviet Union on education. The general belief was that anyone could be picked up from […]

The War Against Critical Thinking

So this article was shared in my feed: One of the most odd movements I’ve seen in the US is that to rally against critical thinking and claim logic, objectivity and the scientific method is sexist and racist. One of the arguments I heard during school for example was that the scientific method didn’t […]

AI and the Mechanical Duck

“A rival to Prometheus, [Vaucanson] seemed to steal the heavenly fires in his search to give life.” –Voltaire Just got reminded to the Mechanical Duck of Jacques de Vaucanson by hearing the saying “if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…” where is probably the origin of that saying. The Mechanical Duck […]

Soviet Data Science and Athletic Performance

This is a quick connection I just made about fifteen minutes in the podcast episode of Joe Rogan Experience #1399 Pavel Tsatsouline. Pavel explains that the Russians scientists measured the training of several top performers for decades and revealed certain patterns of training (I won’t go in the details) that were found to be much […]

It’s Not About the Money Stupid

Most people don’t get it. It’s not about the money for the sake of money. That’s some mercantile bullshit some people certainly hold. But the real purpose of the money is that it’s proof of your skill to yourself and the world. Read the Iliad, what are the heroes going on and on about? It’s […]

The Coming Transhumanists War

One of the HUGE aspects that you see taken away from the World Wars and Cold War is that fascism, capitalism and communism wasn’t only a war of economic systems, but all three were fighting for their definition of what the human species should look like. Most people understand that the Germans had an eugenics […]

The Rebirth Of The City State With Space Exploration

The ancient City States of Renaissance Italy or Ancient Greece (much different animals than the overpopulated cesspools of the East) had a population of several thousands (say five to thirty thousand). Space exploration might force this new dynamic as populations of these similar numbers venture out, never to return to earth, with little to no […]

On The Scam Of Defining Success As Happiness Instead Of Money

  This intrinsic motivation bullshit is just a trick to not compensate employees properly. They’re turning it into a moral failing if you even make it explicit you’re interested in money. This is somewhat similar with what happened in the middle ages with Feudalism where the peasants where shammed for asking for higher wages by […]